Saturday, January 9, 2010

Change in the Education system in India..........

Today in morning when I read TOI editorial on 3 idiots by Shiv Svaminathan. It is basically pointing towards the education system in India. Since morning, I am thinking on the issue on Is it right to change the basic structure of education in India?

As most people appreciated 3 Idiots on the treatment of the subject. I also did the same thing. It's really nice approach that people will follow for their heart & do whatever he wants. people should follow their heart. If sachin will not followed his heart, I think He won't be in top of cricket world. If you carefully watch the 3 idiots, you know that they were telling for excellence. The character of Amir khan has no fear of losing. He has only thing in mind that he has to excel. But once you place yourself in the platform of middle class family, Where 2 of your sisters are on the verge of marriage, father has been retired or he will retire after some time, you saw your parents to sacrifice their wishes every single second. Whether you should have the same attitude toward life for excel? I think if most of the people will think about this & when ask the question to himself. I surely know the every middle class person has got same answer that, leave the excel in the garbage & do everything which will give you a good job & money. One more thing there are exceptions in society so I am not talking about them. I am talking generally.
I will give one live example of my life for the importance of money. On 3rd of Jan'10 in evening 4:45 PM, when I am coming to kolkata from jamshedpur. I have learnt that Boss Money matters. One boy in the age of 10 years with 3 of his sisters was begging at platform. The bunch of boys, who were going to kolkata told that boy "If you will bath right now, we Will give you INR 10". I think in the month of january, when there is too much cold with wind, No one can dare to touch the cold water. But I hat's off for the boy who went to the pipes on side of Rail track & took bath. He had only one pair of clothes, So what he did he took all his cloths & took bath. I was shocked that for fulfilling the desire of Hungry Stomach, Really The Great MONEY matters.
The same thing applied to the middle class family, When you have such a responsibility then Only matters "The Money". Because It will fill the hungry stomach of your & your family. It will give the better living styles to your family, Good husband to your sister.

The structure of our society is like that we can't escape from the world. I remembered my engineering days, When I saw my parents for sacrificing their wishes for the study of me & my brother. My father was a worker in TATA Motors, not big salary, but enough for the member of 4 to live a good living style in society & save some money for our bad times & future projects. I saw my mother to wore a pair of cotton sari in home & save the average ones of some functions. I saw my father to go to office in the mercury of 51 degree celcius in the month of may/june with the Bi-cycle. To save a little 5 rs cost of petrol, to give a better education. I really appreciate my parents to teach me to save money. Since my engineering days, we both brothers got only INR 400-600 for our expenses apart from mess & other. But we both managed to live their life simply. One more thing we all the 4 members had only cut in our expenses in cloths, entertainment,living style. We follow simple life for 4 years. But on the food front we didn't compromised. we ate healthy food. So When I was in college for 1st year we want to follow the style of excellence in education. But we achieved a marks around 60-65%, not more than that. Then we realised that, If we will follow this style, Then we will miss our scholar ship amount of INR 20,000 a year & most of the companies had criteria of the minimum marks for qualify. We couldn't clear that. So we followed for getting marks & left excel. After engineering, we both got handsome jobs in the IT industry. We compromised with Heart. But we achieved the peace of our family on every front.
One more thing is here that, If you follow the discipline life & do the work, Then automatically you got interest in that thing. Because everything needs time to settle. We all bored quickly from the monotonous activity. whether we should leave everything & do new every time? I think not. We should make a path to do things in the intervals. There is always a path between two opposite things, which is called a thin line where you will balance on both of them.

I think we should change a little bit in our attitude & walk on the thin line to balance between excellence & to fulfill our materialistic wishes.


  1. That is a really a good point to think about. Right now, it is only a case of 3 idiots... if we take our education system too lightly... tomorrow we will have a nation of idiots.

  2. That's the 1st point came in to my mind, when I watched the 3 Idiots........


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